RHIZO-MIC AGRO is a water soluble coarse powder. It contains beneficial soil bacteria (5 different Bacillus spp., Azospirillum brasiliense, Azotobacter vinelandii, Pseudomonas sp. and the beneficial soil fungus Trichoderma harzianum, as well as sea weed extracts and humic/fulvic acids. The product is mainly used in greenhouses, nurseries, field grown vegetables, berries, fruit trees and lawn. It is applied by soil drench, drip irrigation, mini-sprinkler irrigation, or applied with normal spraying equipment. Irrigate after application, or apply short before rainfall. RHIZO-MIC AGRO should always be applied near plant roots, at planting or at the beginning of the vegetation. Repeat every 3-4 weeks up to 4 times per season.


  • Improves the biological fertility of soils and keeps soils and plant roots healthy and vitalizes plants
  • Makes soil nutrients available in the rhizosphere (N, P, micro-nutrients)
  • Stimulates root growth by plant growth promoting substances
  • Transforms organic matter  into plant available nutrients (degrades thatch layers in lawn and grasslands)  
  • Improves natural arbuscular mycorrhiza which are important for nutrient uptake and water relations of plants.

RHIZO-MIC AGRO  dose rates in general are 125-250 g/ha (12.5 - 25 g/100 L water). For application follow instructions on label. 


In greenhouse, RHIZO-MIC AGRO and RHIZO-MIC AGRO PLUS help plant production and growth of e.g. vegetables (here basil, Ocimum basilicum); center: with RHIZO-MIC AGRO; left with RHIZO-MIC AGRO PLUS; right: without biostimulant